We live in a very complex world, with many different perceptions and values about life and how to live.  There are also many different educational systems.  
Our educational aims are based on our desire to enable our children to become active citizens, contributing positively to the society in which they live.   They will need not only a solid wealth of knowledge, but also the thinking and learning skills needed to adapt, grow, discover and form opinions for themselves, in an ever changing world.  They will need a knowledge of and respect for the past, while forming the future.  They also need the skills to understand each other in our pluralist societies; recognizing the range of values, cultures, ideals and outlooks in each other, while having the confidence to know who they are as individuals.  
We consider it therefore essential, to put the child at the centre of our school, and to focus on each one as an individual.  This means that all our actions, school systems, and processes will be created with this focus at the core.  For this to work in practice, all members of our school community, need to recognize it as our driving force, and work together harmoniously to achieve it:

  • Our teachers, whose interaction with the children embodies the principles in action
  • Our parents, who being the first educators of their children and being responsible for choosing their children’s education, lead by example
  • By our students, who through the manner in which they conduct themselves in relation to their maturity, will be the testament to our school’s values, ethos and identity

Our aim, at International College San Pedro,  is to provide an education which develops ‘the whole child’ into a fully rounded person, through:

  • promoting a curiosity to learn … as a lifelong skill
  • teaching a secure foundation of knowledge and skills
  • giving the children a firm framework of moral and ethical principles on which they can develop their own individual personality

Style of education

We are following the British National Curriculum and a condensed form of the Spanish National Curriculum.  Our style of teaching will focus on searching out and using, the best teaching and learning approaches possible, in a dialogue between the teachers and the children.  We will involve the parents in the process of learning and in feedback on their child’s progress, regularly throughout the year.  Together, as a triangular partnership, we will form people with these qualities:

  • The ability to think and make decisions.
  • Show curiosity and a spirit of enquiry
  • Have the capacity to analyse important priorities and act within the society in which they live.
  • Have the confidence to form their own opinions, and have the courage to stand by them, in support of their values
  • To be a positive, contributing member of society , while thinking of others
  • Be self-motivated and hard working
  • Be responsible


Our philosophy is based on three main strands:

    • The principle of the value given to the individual effort, capacity and merit of the child, as the best motivation for work and reward.
    • The principles of Greco Latin and Christian humanism; the root and inspiration of all of the European philosophical concepts.
    • The values of democracy, essential for the social integration of the people we are educating.

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